Scientific Ways To Avoid Hair Loss And Help Them Regrow

We can style it in different ways. We can color it like a rainbow. We can cut it and curl it. Our hair is something that makes us unique, and the vast majority of people love having it on top of their heads. That’s why people are willing to go to the ends of the earth to fight hair loss. Don’t travel that far, just check out some of these tips.


In order to help regrow hair that has been lost, you may want to consider purchasing an organic shampoo. Many times, hair loss is caused by the use of shampoos and other hair treatments, so it is important that you reverse this damage. Organic shampoos do that by cleansing your scalp and unclogging follicles so that hair can grow back.

Hair Surgery

If you have tried everything, you can regrow hair again by considering surgery. There are a variety of different surgery options, and all of them are non-invasive. The most common is a microscopic follicular unit transplant, in which a doctor transplants follicular units to the bald area.

Don’t be so quick to wear a hat to cover up your head if you’re experiencing hair loss. When you wear any sort of hat, you are depriving your scalp of oxygen and thus depriving your hair follicles of oxygen. Follicles will weaken and your hair will be more likely to fall out as long as you’re wearing hats.

Scalp Message

One helpful strategy for diminishing hair loss is massaging your scalp daily. Massaging the scalp aids in blood circulation to the hair follicles and it also helps in delivering nutrients to the scalp. When massaging your scalp, place both hands on your head and move your fingers slowly in a circular motion.


There are two FDA-approved medications, Minoxidil and Finasteride, for treating inherited hair loss (androgenic alopecia). You can get Minoxidil (Rogaine) without a prescription. It is to be sprayed or rubbed into the scalp twice daily. A prescription is needed for Finasteride (Propecia). Finasteride is not approved for women. It comes in pills to be taken once a day.

If you have lost your hair, whether due to genetics or something like chemotherapy, one way in which you can help this is simply to accept it. There is no shame in losing your hair. It happens to millions of people around the globe. Embracing it now might just be the best way to go.

If you do manage to reverse hair loss and begin to re-grow your hair, remember to never take this for granted. Your hair needs to be treated with respect. For most people, once their hair is gone, it’s gone forever. Count your blessings if you were able to grow more hair and remember to treat it with care.

This extract has been proven to re-grow hair when applied to the scalp once per day. You only need to apply a couple of drops and make sure you rub it in well.

Alopecia areata, caused when hair follicles are attacked by the immune system, can be treated with corticosteroids. Corticosteroids may be injected into the scalp every 4 to 6 weeks and are best for patchy hair loss. Corticosteroid creams or ointments may be used with injected steroids or other medicines such as minoxidil. Oral corticosteroids are rarely used because of side effects.

Hormonal Imbalance

It may be surprising to learn that hormones can cause hair loss in women. If you have a hormone imbalance, for instance from birth control pills, a hair loss situation can be triggered. Every hormone therapy replacement could cause a type of temporary hormonal imbalance. Monitoring your hormones should not be overlooked if experiencing hair loss.


To avoid thinning hair and hair loss, get enough antioxidants. Antioxidants are good for a lot of things, including improving the immune system and ridding the body of toxins, and when your body works better, it has more resources to devote to keeping every part of you healthy – including your hair.


Don’t rub your hair. When you dry your hair you should ensure you don’t do it too hard. Rubbing your hair too hard can make it come out easier. You should also avoid using a blow dryer. If you do use one, make sure you use it on low heat.

Skin Shedding

To better understand the possible causes of hair loss, check whether it’s accompanied by skin shedding. If you’re experiencing skin shedding or scaling, at the same time as hair loss, your hair loss may be related to a skin problem. In these cases, you should be able to cure hair loss by curing the skin problem.

Enough Sleep

Control your hair loss by getting sleep. Getting enough sleep is important because it rejuvenates your body and hair and makes it healthier. It also removes toxins in your body which can make your hair healthier and less prone to fall out. It’s recommended you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night.

Hair Trim

Keep your hair trimmed. By doing this you are taking dead ends off of your hair allowing it to grow longer and healthier. Dead ends can prevent your hair from growing anymore and can make your hair weak and brittle. This can lead to hair loss in the future.


A grooming tip that can prevent the thinning and breakage of hair is to avoid a hairstyle that pulls the hair tight. Many people, especially women, choose a hairstyle where the hair is pulled back tightly and is held there with a fastening device such as an elastic band or barrette. Styling your hair in this manner causes friction between the strands of hair and results in the breakage and thinning of hair.

Key Takeaway

Using the tips above can help you to keep the hair you have and even to re-grow the hair you’ve lost. Not every method listed above is guaranteed to work for you, but there are many you can choose from and one is bound to work out for you. Just make sure you apply these tips and help your hair to be healthy and balanced.